Monday, August 11, 2008

Dreaming to do silkscreen?

I don't know if you have been dreaming about silkscreen, but I know I have. I have a notebook full of ideas. You see I have an obsession with planning things out and I get easily distracted so I have to write things down so that I can go back later and finish what I started. It does not help that I am always multi-tasking. Most of my activities involve breastfeeding, I can not seem to wean my 18 month old off of my breast and he wants to be held while he sleeps. I know, I know I have spoiled him silly, I could not help myself he smells so darn good. and I just love me a good smelling little guy.

As you may have gathered from the picture above this post is supposed to be about a great find I found over at Fred Flare. It is a Silkscreen Workshop DVD by Kingi Carpenter, and let me tell you this: I loved how she got started with her business Peach Beserk and I am getting this pronto. Here interview is here and you can purchase it here.

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